This page has been de-activated due to space considerations.
The slide shows take up a ton of room so I have removed them from the web site. They are still available if you are interested, so just let me know if you'd like a copy. You may reach me at the address below.
Photodex, the software I used to create slideshows, offers a web viewer. It works very nicely, but to view the slideshow, you will need to install the viewer program on your PC. This file will self-install automatically as a plugin for your browser when you click the link below, but you may need to "allow active x" controls, and you will need to "approve the installation" when prompted. (You may also encounter "objections" from your firewall, antivirus program, or your operating system.) Once the viewer is installed on your PC, you may return here as often as you like and you will be able to view the slide show on-demand by clicking the link below without having to re-install the viewer each time.
To request a DVD copy that will run on your TV and on your PC, all you need to do is ask! Send me an email to and I would be delighted to burn you a copy.
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revised 7/09/13