Customer Work Order Invoicing System
Ideal for any independent consultant who works by the hour, for any number of clients, for any billing period. This customer work order invoicing software (C-Wings) handles CRM, time tracking, billing and A/R management for any professional one-man or one-woman operation. Originally designed for IT Professionals, the system handles Asset Management, Domain Access Control, Online Account Access and offers encrypted storage of passwords and license keys.
C-Wings was built on the FileMaker Pro database platform and is offered as an unlocked FileMaker Pro Solution File. A separate FileMaker Pro client license is required.
The Modules
- Customer Contact Data
- Work Order (Time Tracking)
- Payments
- Customer Domain Access Control Data
- Customer Asset Management
- Consultant’s Online Account Data
The Primary Functions: Time Tracking and Billing
- Line items for each task in a project or billing period
- Start time, end time, elapsed time and over-ride
- Service Type
- Description – Up to 3 lines available
- Sub Totals
- Total Hours to Bill
- Rate (can be different for each client, and standard rate can be overridden)
- Total Dollars to Bill
- Adjustments (line items for flat fee charges and credits)
- Payments (post payments to specific invoices)
- Invoices and Statements are generated on demand from the click of a button.
- Client layouts display critical billing amounts and collection status for each client as well as for groups of clients.
The Optional Modules: Recording LAN and Online Account Data
- Client Domain(s) Data: registrar, web site, database locations, account names, log ins and passwords
- Client Asset Management: hardware details including installed software
- Consultant Online Accounts – web service locations, account names, log ins, passwords
- Encryption has been added for all password and license key storage!
- NEW: Smart Email – email messages can be launched for either local email or web based email (gmail)
C-Wings: Screen Shots
Click on an image to enlarge (the names, companies, contact information AND rates have been fictionalized). Images were captured from the CWINGS FileMaker Pro version 12 system. CWINGS is also available for FileMaker Pro version 11.
Customer Screen![]() |
Work Order Screen![]() |
THE List Layout![]() |
Menu & Online Account Screen![]() |
Domain Reference Screen![]() |
Asset Management Screen![]() |
Invoice Layout![]() |
Invoice (3 Line) Layout![]() |
Statement Layout![]() |
Demonstration Videos
For a closer view of CWINGS and it’s basic functionality, check out a demonstration screen capture video on each of these topics:
- CRM, Time Tracking & Billing
- Accounts Receivable Management
- Asset Management
- Domain Access Control
- Security and Encryption
Videos were created from the CWINGS FileMaker Pro version 11 system. CWINGS is also available for FileMaker Pro versions 12, 13 and 14.
C-Wings: The Developer’s Story
I built this system to replace my completely manual billing process. I was using pencil and paper to keep a log of the work I did for each client. Then at the end of the month, I would have to go through each log to calculate the time totals and tasks performed, and I would enter them into a spreadsheet I had set up the spreadsheet to generate an invoice that I could PDF and email. It took hours to generate my end of month invoices, I had trouble doing it accurately. If you are an independent consultant, you are acutely aware that if you don’t send out invoices, you didn’t get paid.
C-WINGS solved that for me and contained quite a few surprises. Now I keep it open all day, every day and use it as a time tracking device. When I take a call or begin doing development work, if the client does not have a work order started for the current billing period, I add a work order with the click of a button. Once the work order is set up, I add a line item, enter a start time and basic task description. As I work, I update the description and when I’m ready to stop, I enter the end time. At any time I can generate an invoice with the click of a button, mark the invoice “receivable” and move on. This offers tremendous flexibility. I can bill clients weekly, monthly, at milestone deliveries or at the conclusion of a call in seconds.
I also built a place to enter payments so I can track the status of all invoices, for any one client, or for any group of clients. The system has a statement layout so I can recap a client’s account history over any period of time, showing invoiced amounts, payments received and amounts due.
The List Layout allows me to view the status of all active clients, or all clients who have an amount due. This is an incredible tool. At a glance, I can see the amount of work I’ve done that has not been invoiced, the amount I have invoiced but not collected, the value of work I’ve done that has not been paid (invoiced plus not invoiced) and finally, the value of all services performed for each client. The layout also has a total for all four of those values for all clients, and adds each column for a total for the group of clients I’v viewing. This let’s me direct my focus my attention where it is most urgent: marketing, collections, or WORKING!
I added two a modules of particular interest to IT Services, Database, and Web Producers and Graphic Design professionals. The Domain Control Module provides a way to enter for each client, the registrar, domain, web and database account, login and password information. The Asset Management Module provides a way to create a record for each device on the LAN: work stations, servers, printers and routers. For each device, you can record all the pertinent details about that hardware: ID number, date into service, serial number, make & model, operating system and software installed, and much more. There is also a module to record the consultant’s online web site/service account, login and password information.
This system has saved me so much time, and given such a deep understanding of my consulting business. I cannot estimate the value of C-Wings to my operation. I have complete control of my A/R, I know the level of my uninvoiced earnings at all times, I have a central location to store client access details, and a consolidated database of everyone I have done work for and what work was performed.
I know C-Wings can help you organize your time tracking, billing, administrative functions, marketing and customer service.
Call or email me today to arrange a demonstration.
Customer Work Order Invoicing System: How to order C-Wings
The Platform – FileMaker Pro v11 or v12
C-Wings was created in FileMaker Pro version 11 and is also available for version 12. Our software is a single file and is delivered in open source format. That means that each installation of C-Wings is unlocked and can be customized. It also means that each computer that accesses the C-Wings database will need a FileMaker Pro license, available from FileMaker, Inc. ( at a cost of $299 per user.
With an unlocked database, users can:
- Add logos and change color preferences
- Add or edit fields, layouts and scripts
- Build reports
- Assign user logins/passwords
- Add new functions and features
This Work Order Invoicing Software for Consultants has been successfully deployed in two separate installations as beta software. It was written and deployed in FileMaker Pro version 11 and has been packaged for sale in either FileMaker Pro version 11 or 12. Future development will be done on in the FileMaker Pro version 12 platform.
The Price
C-Wings is desktop software with a one time purchase price of $750, not including the FileMaker Pro license cost. It is a database that resides on your desktop computer, or your file server or your web hosting service. The purchase price includes up to 2 hours of support for installation, training, and customization. We are available to customize, or expand the software for you at a rate of $75 per hour.
A free, 30 day, trial version of C-Wings is available.
For a demonstration, additional information, comments and questions, please call me at 415-298-0450 or use our contact form, or email me at ron[at] A free, 30 day, trial version of C-Wings is available.
C-Wings is a database system created by Ronald Licht & Associates (